Nokia Corporation
NOK Real Time Price USDRecent trades of NOK by members of U.S. Congress
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Change in Shares
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Quarterly net insider trading by NOK's directors and management
Government lobbying spending instances
$30,000 Apr 20, 2022 Issue: Science/Technology Intelligence Telecommunications
$80,000 Apr 20, 2022 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$30,000 Apr 19, 2022 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$225,000 Apr 18, 2022 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Intelligence Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications Science/Technology Homeland Security
$30,000 Jan 20, 2022 Issue: Science/Technology Intelligence Telecommunications
$70,000 Jan 20, 2022 Issue: COPYRIGHT/PATENT/TRADEMARK
$225,000 Jan 20, 2022 Issue: Intelligence Homeland Security Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Science/Technology
$10,000 Jan 12, 2022 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$30,000 Oct 20, 2021 Issue: Telecommunications Intelligence Science/Technology
$30,000 Oct 20, 2021 Issue: COPYRIGHT/PATENT/TRADEMARK
$10,000 Oct 20, 2021 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$225,000 Oct 14, 2021 Issue: Telecommunications Intelligence Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Science/Technology Trade (domestic/foreign) Homeland Security
$20,000 Jul 20, 2021 Issue: Science/Technology Telecommunications Intelligence
$20,000 Jul 20, 2021 Issue: COPYRIGHT/PATENT/TRADEMARK
$225,000 Jul 16, 2021 Issue: Science/Technology Intelligence Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Homeland Security
$10,000 Jul 14, 2021 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$30,000 Apr 20, 2021 Issue: Science/Technology Intelligence Telecommunications
$30,000 Apr 20, 2021 Issue: COPYRIGHT/PATENT/TRADEMARK
$199,000 Apr 19, 2021 Issue: Homeland Security Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Science/Technology Intelligence
$50,000 Apr 16, 2021 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$30,000 Jan 21, 2021 Issue: Science/Technology Telecommunications Intelligence
$40,000 Jan 21, 2021 Issue: None
$199,000 Jan 20, 2021 Issue: Science/Technology Trade (domestic/foreign) Intelligence Telecommunications Homeland Security
$50,000 Jan 11, 2021 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$30,000 Oct 20, 2020 Issue: Science/Technology Intelligence Telecommunications
$30,000 Oct 20, 2020 Issue: None
$175,000 Oct 20, 2020 Issue: Science/Technology Intelligence Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications Homeland Security
$40,000 Oct 12, 2020 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$30,000 Jul 20, 2020 Issue: Telecommunications Science/Technology Intelligence
$20,000 Jul 20, 2020 Issue: None
$175,000 Jul 20, 2020 Issue: Science/Technology Trade (domestic/foreign) Intelligence Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Homeland Security Telecommunications
$70,000 Jul 10, 2020 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$30,000 Apr 20, 2020 Issue: Telecommunications Intelligence Science/Technology
$40,000 Apr 20, 2020 Issue: None
$175,000 Apr 20, 2020 Issue: Homeland Security Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Intelligence Science/Technology
$70,000 Apr 13, 2020 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$20,000 Jan 21, 2020 Issue: TAXATION/INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
$30,000 Jan 21, 2020 Issue: None
$150,000 Apr 22, 2019 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$120,000 Apr 18, 2019 Issue: Science/Technology Homeland Security Telecommunications Intelligence Trade (domestic/foreign)
$80,000 Apr 08, 2019 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Jan 22, 2019 Issue: Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$120,000 Jan 21, 2019 Issue: Telecommunications Homeland Security Intelligence Science/Technology Trade (domestic/foreign)
$100,000 Jan 08, 2019 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Jul 20, 2018 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Foreign Relations Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign)
$120,000 Jul 20, 2018 Issue: Science/Technology Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Homeland Security Intelligence
$40,000 Jul 19, 2018 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Apr 19, 2018 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Foreign Relations
$160,000 Apr 11, 2018 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Jan 22, 2018 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Foreign Relations Copyright/Patent/Trademark Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications
$20,000 Jan 22, 2018 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Oct 19, 2017 Issue: Foreign Relations Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$30,000 Oct 19, 2017 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Jul 20, 2017 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Foreign Relations Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$40,000 Jul 20, 2017 Issue: Telecommunications
$90,000 Jul 20, 2017 Issue: Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$50,000 Apr 20, 2017 Issue: Telecommunications
$150,000 Apr 20, 2017 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Foreign Relations Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications
$150,000 Jan 23, 2017 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Foreign Relations
$50,000 Jan 23, 2017 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications
$200,000 Mar 22, 2016 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Consumer Issues/Safety/Products
$150,000 Jan 19, 2016 Issue: Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$40,000 Jan 15, 2016 Issue: Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$150,000 Nov 05, 2015 Issue: Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$150,000 Nov 05, 2015 Issue: Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$150,000 Oct 20, 2015 Issue: Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$40,000 Oct 16, 2015 Issue: Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$40,000 Jul 17, 2015 Issue: Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications
$40,000 Apr 20, 2015 Issue: Telecommunications
$40,000 Jan 20, 2015 Issue: Natural Resources Telecommunications
$140,000 Jan 16, 2015 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$40,000 Jul 21, 2014 Issue: Telecommunications
$140,000 Jul 10, 2014 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV
$140,000 Apr 21, 2014 Issue: Communications/Broadcasting/Radio/TV Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$40,000 Apr 19, 2014 Issue: Telecommunications
$200,000 Jan 23, 2014 Issue: Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$180,000 Jan 23, 2014 Issue: Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$120,000 Nov 25, 2013 Issue: Computer Industry Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$100,000 Jul 31, 2013 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Consumer Issues/Safety/Products Computer Industry
$125,000 Feb 11, 2013 Issue: Computer Industry Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$125,000 Feb 11, 2013 Issue: Computer Industry Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$40,000 Oct 19, 2012 Issue: Telecommunications
$160,000 Jul 16, 2012 Issue: Computer Industry Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Telecommunications Copyright/Patent/Trademark Environment/Superfund
$160,000 Apr 19, 2012 Issue: Computer Industry Environment/Superfund Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$160,000 Jan 20, 2012 Issue: Environment/Superfund Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark Computer Industry Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$160,000 Oct 19, 2011 Issue: Computer Industry Environment/Superfund Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign)
$160,000 Jul 20, 2011 Issue: Computer Industry Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Environment/Superfund Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$180,000 Apr 19, 2011 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Environment/Superfund Computer Industry Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Jan 14, 2011 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Computer Industry Trade (domestic/foreign)
$150,000 Oct 20, 2010 Issue: Environment/Superfund Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Computer Industry Trade (domestic/foreign)
$150,000 Jul 20, 2010 Issue: Computer Industry Environment/Superfund Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code
$150,000 Apr 19, 2010 Issue: Computer Industry Environment/Superfund Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark
$150,000 Jan 19, 2010 Issue: Environment/Superfund Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Copyright/Patent/Trademark Computer Industry
$150,000 Oct 19, 2009 Issue: Environment/Superfund Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Computer Industry
$170,000 Jul 14, 2009 Issue: Environment/Superfund Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Computer Industry
$170,000 Apr 20, 2009 Issue: Computer Industry Environment/Superfund Copyright/Patent/Trademark Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Telecommunications
$170,000 Jan 21, 2009 Issue: Immigration Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Environment/Superfund Computer Industry
$170,000 Oct 20, 2008 Issue: Computer Industry Environment/Superfund Telecommunications Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Trade (domestic/foreign) Immigration
$170,000 Jul 21, 2008 Issue: Immigration Copyright/Patent/Trademark Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Telecommunications Computer Industry Trade (domestic/foreign)
$200,000 Apr 21, 2008 Issue: Copyright/Patent/Trademark Telecommunications Trade (domestic/foreign) Taxation/Internal Revenue Code Environment/Superfund Immigration Computer Industry
Estimated quarterly lobbying spending
New patents grants
Patent Title: Apparatus, method and computer program Aug. 20, 2024
Patent Title: Apparatus, methods, and computer programs for obtaining an image of a sample Jan. 30, 2024
Patent Title: Method for receiving inputs from user of electronic device May. 03, 2022
Patent Title: Method for receiving inputs from user of electronic device Apr. 19, 2022
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for consent document management Jun. 22, 2021
Patent Title: Sending a sensor node a request for sensor data that identifies another node to process the data Nov. 10, 2020
Patent Title: Access to data source via proxy May. 12, 2020
Patent Title: Downloading of content Sep. 03, 2019
Patent Title: Channel measurements supporting coordinated multi-point operation Apr. 02, 2019
Patent Title: Web content communication Feb. 26, 2019
Patent Title: Method for receiving inputs from user of electronic device Nov. 20, 2018
Patent Title: Method for receiving inputs from user of electronic device May. 15, 2018
Patent Title: Location-based novelty index value and recommendation system and method Apr. 24, 2018
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for providing bootstrapping procedures in a communication network Feb. 27, 2018
Patent Title: Saving power on handsets by filtering received status updates Oct. 03, 2017
Patent Title: Optical apparatus and method for expanding an exit pupil Sep. 05, 2017
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for performing an incremental update of a recommendation model Jul. 18, 2017
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for optical communication Jul. 11, 2017
Patent Title: Content management for packet-communicating devices Jun. 27, 2017
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for managing a wireless connection Aug. 09, 2016
Patent Title: Communication action bar in a multimodal communication device Aug. 02, 2016
Patent Title: Content routing with rights management Jul. 26, 2016
Patent Title: Special effect video camera Jul. 19, 2016
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for providing multimedia summaries for content information Jul. 12, 2016
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for providing an interactive cable-based interface to applications and services Jul. 12, 2016
Patent Title: Event-based assistance data delivery Jul. 05, 2016
Patent Title: Speaker back cavity Jul. 05, 2016
Patent Title: Automatic detection of required network key type Jun. 28, 2016
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for producing a cinemagraph Jun. 21, 2016
Patent Title: Apparatus and method for accessing components in a folded device May. 17, 2016
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for controlling access to resources May. 10, 2016
Patent Title: Sound transducer acoustic back cavity system Apr. 26, 2016
Patent Title: Adaptation of mobility parameters based on user equipment measurement availability Apr. 12, 2016
Patent Title: Location privacy in communication networks Apr. 12, 2016
Patent Title: Audio transducer with electrostatic discharge protection Mar. 29, 2016
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for providing bootstrapping procedures in a communication network Mar. 29, 2016
Patent Title: Mounting components in electronic devices Mar. 22, 2016
Patent Title: Graphene composite and a method of manufacturing a graphene composite Mar. 22, 2016
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for monitoring a characteristic of an object in mechanical contact with a mobile terminal Mar. 15, 2016
Patent Title: Methods and apparatus for improved navigation of content including a representation of streaming data Mar. 15, 2016
Patent Title: Data indicator for persistently allocated packets in a communications system Mar. 08, 2016
Patent Title: Method and apparatus for selecting text information Mar. 01, 2016
Patent Title: Image-based addressing of physical content for electronic communication Feb. 02, 2016
Patent Title: Name bubble handling Feb. 02, 2016
Patent Title: Transmitting data to a rolling shutter sensor array via a light emitter array Jan. 19, 2016
Patent Title: Method and apparatus providing multi-level proximity indication and small cell discovery Jan. 12, 2016
Patent Title: Electronic device interface switching system Dec. 22, 2015
Patent Title: System and method for authenticating a context transfer Dec. 01, 2015
Patent Title: Exchange of messages and sessions Dec. 01, 2015
Patent Title: Removing noise generated from a non-audio component Dec. 01, 2015
Federal grants, loans, and purchases
Estimated quarterly amount awarded from public contracts
Number of mentions of NOK in WallStreetBets Daily Discussion
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Shares Held
* These are estimates based on data taken from SEC filings. There may be inaccuracies due to parsing errors, accidental double-counting, incorrect classification of indirectly owned shares, or any other number of issues.
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