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Corporate Lobbying DashboardNew patents grants
Patent Title: 8b10b pam4 encoding Jun. 15, 2021
Patent Title: Smooth switching of video sources sharing a common link Jan. 05, 2021
Patent Title: Changing visually lossless compression ratio while maintaining parameters related to uncompressed video Jan. 05, 2021
Patent Title: Admission control while maintaining latency variations of existing sessions within their limits Nov. 10, 2020
Patent Title: Method and system for assigning vulnerability levels to sessions Sep. 15, 2020
Patent Title: Allocating limit to allowable end-to-end latency variation based on destination capability Aug. 25, 2020
Patent Title: Dynamic retransmissions with fixed and minimum delays Aug. 18, 2020
Patent Title: Efficient double parity forward error correction on a communication network Feb. 18, 2020
Patent Title: Efficient recovery of lost packets using double parity forward error correction Jan. 21, 2020
Patent Title: Forward error correction for incomplete blocks Dec. 31, 2019
Patent Title: Reducing transmission rate to support fast convergence Dec. 31, 2019
Patent Title: Usb isochronous transfer over a non-usb network Oct. 29, 2019
Patent Title: Network for transporting ethernet and time sensitive data Jun. 25, 2019
Patent Title: Creating bi-directional co-shared sessions and switching bi-directional co-shared sessions May. 21, 2019
Patent Title: Indicating delays added to packets due to retransmission May. 07, 2019
Patent Title: Fast recovery from interferences using limited retransmissions Apr. 30, 2019
Patent Title: Sending known data to support fast convergence Apr. 23, 2019
Patent Title: Mode-conversion digital canceller for high bandwidth differential signaling Apr. 09, 2019
Patent Title: Fast adaptive digital canceller Mar. 05, 2019
Patent Title: Bi-directional co-shared sessions Feb. 26, 2019
Patent Title: Sending known data to support fast convergence Jan. 01, 2019
Patent Title: Methods and systems for incremental calculation of latency variation Dec. 25, 2018
Patent Title: Fast switching between co-shared sessions Oct. 30, 2018
Patent Title: Fast adaptive mode-conversion digital canceller Oct. 30, 2018
Patent Title: Increasing visually lossless compression ratio to provide bandwidth for an additional stream Oct. 23, 2018
Patent Title: Creating bi-directional co-shared sessions over a resource reservation network Jun. 12, 2018
Patent Title: Resource reservation network that maintains low latency and latency variation of co-shared sessions Jun. 12, 2018
Patent Title: Methods and systems for changing topology of an asymmetric network Jan. 16, 2018
Patent Title: Maintaining a fixed delay while switching between light video compression ratios Jan. 02, 2018
Patent Title: Low latency visually lossless switching between different compression ratios Aug. 08, 2017
Patent Title: Highly utilized communication channel with order and retransmissions Aug. 01, 2017
Patent Title: Reducing transmission rate to support fast convergence Jun. 20, 2017
Patent Title: Methods and systems for distributed calculations of latency variation Apr. 11, 2017
Patent Title: Utilizing known data for status signaling Apr. 11, 2017
Patent Title: All delivered network switch Apr. 04, 2017
Patent Title: Seamless addition of high bandwidth lanes Mar. 14, 2017
Patent Title: Usb extension for lossy channel Mar. 07, 2017
Patent Title: Tomlinson-harashima precoding with non-overlapping dynamic modulation coding subsets Dec. 13, 2016
Patent Title: Increasing link throughput to enable admission without exceeding latency variation limits Oct. 04, 2016
Patent Title: Low power partial functionality communication link Aug. 23, 2016
Patent Title: All delivered network adaptor Aug. 09, 2016
Patent Title: Frequent flow control by replacing certain idle words with bitwise complement words Aug. 02, 2016
Patent Title: Maintaining running disparity while utilizing different line-codes Jul. 26, 2016
Patent Title: Hdmi communication over twisted pairs Jul. 19, 2016
Patent Title: Generating parallel binary representation of hdbaset physical modulation Jun. 21, 2016
Patent Title: Methods and systems for time sensitive networks May. 03, 2016
Patent Title: Receivers for dynamically modulated symbols Mar. 22, 2016
Patent Title: Encoding payloads according to data types while maintaining running disparity Feb. 23, 2016
Patent Title: Indicating end of idle sequence by replacing certain code words with alternative code words Feb. 23, 2016
Patent Title: Indicating end of idle sequence by replacing expected code words while maintaining running disparity Feb. 23, 2016
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* These are estimates based on data taken from SEC filings. There may be inaccuracies due to parsing errors, accidental double-counting, incorrect classification of indirectly owned shares, or any other number of issues.
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