Helios Voice Summation Index
Helios' VSI anticipates the level of volatility that could result in the future just from the way executives speak on earnings calls. Helios’ VSI measures the executives’ uncertainty from the tone of their voices, and pools the results across all executives from public firms, updating the data as new earnings calls happen. NASDAQ has published finding that substantiate deeper ways to leverage the VSI - Read More
Helios' proprietary algorithm generates a daily index value which represents a forecast of the forward 30-day annualized volatility. Higher values indicate higher expected future volatility.
Helios Life Enterprises revolutionized investing with the creation of the Helios Voice Summation Index (VSI), the first benchmark index to measure the market's bullish or bearish belief in statements given across corporation communication through the voice tone exclusively. The Helios VSI is based on corporate audio events, considered comprehensive coverage of the broad U.S. stock market and the most important events taking place on any given day. The Helios VSI is recognized as the world’s first tonal-based index providing quantitative insights into the voice tone of the markets and how executives believe the future will unfold. In simple terms, VSI is a Volatility Index which is calculated by understanding the various tonal features of company executives when they speak publicly.